Iven Replacement Kit
2 x Silicone Mouthpiece
2 x Ceramic Cooling Chamber
3 x Heating Chamber Screen
10 x Iso- Swabs
1 x Multi-use Brush
1 x Silicone Power Button

The iven replacement kit contains 2 Silicone Mouthpieces, 2 Ceramic Cooling Chambers, 3 Heating Chamber Screens, 10 Iso-swabs, a Multi-use Brush, and a Silicone Power Button replacement.
You will need to clean and replace parts of the iven depending on your frequency of use. If you are a daily user of the iven, you may need a replacement kit once a month. We recommend changing the oven screen, mouthpiece and ceramic cooling chamber every 30 sessions with your iven.
The multi-use brush has two ends, the brush and the poker. The brush end can be used to scrub the oven chamber, airway and beneath the mouthpiece. The blunt end/the poker end can be used to push flower into the oven, to move material around the oven, to remove the oven screen, and to clear material out from the oven. It's a nifty little multi-use tool.
Iso-swabs are cotton swabs that have been presoaked in isopropyl alcohol for convenience. Once the iso-swab has been opened, it's ready to start cleaning.
If your oven screen is beginning to look discolored, stained or has stubborn material that is stuck to it, it may be time to change your screen.
It is recommended to clean your oven after each use with the iso-swab. This will ensure that each session is fresh and there are no remnant flavors from previous sessions. A deep clean of the iven device may be needed after 5-10 sessions of use, depending on the material used. It is recommended to replace the parts after 30 sessions.